Transforming Data into Success: Competitor Analysis Guide

Explore the dynamic world of competitor analysis with insights for agencies and marketers. Learn how tools like PPC Reveal can turn data into actionable strategies. Understand visibility, location, and more to sharpen your competitive edge.

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In the cutthroat and dynamic world of business, understanding your competitors is more than an advantage; it’s a necessity. But gathering data is only the beginning. The real challenge? Interpreting it!
This competitive analysis blog provides insights into your rivals and their approaches. But what follows? Fasten your seatbelts as we venture into the world of data interpretation and explore its applications for agencies and marketers, using intelligence tools like PPC Reveal to guide the way.

Agency vs. Marketer: Interpreting Competitor Analysis


Competitor analysis isn’t just about identifying opportunities; it’s about seizing them. Agencies have the expertise to turn raw competitor data into actionable strategies. Using tools like PPC Reveal can make this process even more precise.
Let’s say you’re an agency working in the plumbing niche. You probably want to know WHO is advertising for a few reasons.

Reason 1 – Prospecting: Get a hit list of companies willing to spend on advertising that are getting lackluster results, i.e., the IDEAL prospect.

Reason 2 – Persuading: A competitive list like the one below can really get a prospect more excited to work with you. When they see the names of their competition outperforming their efforts, they’re going to sign based on FOMO alone.

Reason 3 – Optimizing: Finally, you can use these details to find opportunities for your ads. Whether it’s tweaking your ad schedule, avoiding tough keywords, updating your copy, or tweaking your offer.

Example: Imagine your agency is preparing a pitch for a plumbing client in Austin. By employing ad intelligence tools like PPC Reveal, you can identify 17 competitors within this specific field.
The data shows a clear hierarchy: the leading company enjoys 50% ad visibility, followed by a competitor at 40%, with smaller companies trailing at 5-20%. This landscape provides invaluable insight into the competitive market and helps you craft your strategy.
Suppose your client’s visibility is at a mere 1-2%. Armed with this information, you can selectively target businesses with low visibility and craft tailored pitches. You might say, “The market leader ( commands 52.4% ad visibility, while your direct competitor (www.abcusplumbing) holds 40.5%, and you are at only 1-2%. With our specialized expertise and strategic approach, we can elevate your visibility to rival mid-tier companies, efficiently utilizing your marketing budget and maximizing ROI.”
This data-centric strategy ensures a more precise and persuasive methodology in developing proposals, enabling your agency to stand out in a fiercely competitive market.


In the competitive field of marketing, understanding and acting upon real-time data is crucial. Correctly utilizing these insights can mean the difference between an effective campaign and a wasted budget.
As a marketer, you can see your competitors and select those directly aligned with your geography, service target audience, etc. Remember, size isn’t everything.
Targeting massive competitors might seem tempting, but they often have higher budgets and more website traffic. Instead, pick your ideal competitors and analyze their strategies carefully.
Continuing the above example, suppose you are marketing for a mid-sized plumbing company in Austin, where there are 17 competitors. By analyzing the data, you discover the competitor with the highest ad visibility is at 50%, meaning they cover half of the market, while another competitor might be at the least.

If your company is one of the 17, and you find yourself somewhere in the middle, your ad visibility might only be at, say, 4.8%. The insights from tools like PPC Reveal can allow you to see that as a mid-sized company in this niche, you should aim for an ad visibility of at least 20-30%.

Now, with a clear target, you can dissect competitors’ strategies both above and below you. For instance, analyze their ad copy strategies, landing page designs, and other factors contributing to their success or failure.
Here’s an actionable plan:
  1. Identify Top Competitors: Use ad intelligence tools like PPC Reveal to analyze the Competing Advertisers and Ad Schedule Stats in your industry. Look for patterns, such as a top competitor targeting homeowners with special discounts during winter pipe freeze periods.
  2. Analyze Their Strategy: Assess what makes their campaign successful. Is it the timing, the offer, or a combination of factors? For example, they might reach 50% of homeowners during winter with their discounts.
  3. Craft Your Unique Offer: Based on your analysis, develop your campaign. Perhaps offer free consultations during those critical winter months, a service your competitor doesn’t provide.
  4. Design Your Ad Campaign: Compose a compelling message like, “Our top competitors reach 50% of homeowners during winter. Let’s assure them of our local expertise with timely ads and special offers.”
  5. Set a Goal: Aim for an achievable target, such as boosting your visibility to 30%.
  6. Launch and Monitor: Implement your campaign and monitor its success, making adjustments as needed to stay competitive.
By following these steps, you can emulate the successful strategies of your competitors while adding your unique twist to stand out in the market.
Both agencies and individual marketers can draw actionable insights from PPC Reveal. Its features like Competing Advertisers, Ad Copy Comparison, Ad Schedule Stats, and Keyword Performance can help strategize effectively, set clear goals based on tangible numbers, and bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Data Points to Remember


Visibility refers to how often and prominently your competitors’ ads or products appear in various channels, such as search results, social media feeds, or third-party websites. Understanding visibility is crucial for several reasons:
  • Improving Your Brand Presence Through Comparative Analysis
By analyzing the visibility of your competitors, you can gauge how your brand is positioned in comparison and refine your strategies to increase your brand’s visibility. Are your products and services as readily seen as those of your main rivals? For instance, if you notice a competitor using video advertising to great effect, this insight might prompt you to explore similar strategies to enhance your own brand’s visibility, reaching more potential customers.


Geographical targeting, especially in the context of understanding where your competitors operate, plays a crucial role in strategic planning. Whether you’re a business with physical locations or targeting specific regions, knowing where your competitors focus their advertising efforts can guide your approach:
By analyzing the areas where your competitors operate and direct their advertising, you can identify potential markets that may be underserved or oversaturated. This insight enables you to tailor your marketing strategies to compete more effectively in specific locales, employing tactics such as local SEO strategies, localized content marketing, and community engagement.

Identifying Opportunities Through Ad Schedule Analysis

By studying your competitors’ ad schedules, you can find areas where they may be lacking in visibility and seize those opportunities for yourself. Conversely, if a competitor dominates at a particular time or day, you may decide to focus your efforts elsewhere.
For instance, if a competitor has low visibility during weekend hours but a strong presence during weekdays, you might see an opportunity to engage audiences through targeted ads during the weekend. This approach allows you to capitalize on gaps in your competitor’s ad scheduling and reach potential customers at times when they may be more receptive.


Competitor analysis is rich with insights if you know how to mine the data. For agencies seeking opportunities or marketers analyzing direct competition, the keys lie in understanding factors such as visibility and location.
Here are some Takeaways:
  • Understand the Landscape: Start by mapping out your competition and identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Analyze Visibility: Gauge how your brand stands in comparison to others in terms of visibility, especially within your targeted geographical regions.
  • Adapt Strategies: The journey from raw data to actionable strategies can be complex, but with the right approach, it becomes a stimulating process. Keep analyzing, adapting, and growing as the world of business waits for no one!
Ready to Unlock Your Potential? Dive into the goldmine of competitor analysis with PPC Reveal. Try it FREE for 14 days and transform raw data into actionable insights.
Picture of Justin Rondeau
Justin Rondeau
Justin has been doing this whole “Marketing” thing since 2010, when he was mildly […okay maybe more than mildly] obsessed with all things, data, email, optimization, and split testing. He’s trained thousands of marketers, spoken on hundreds of stages, runs a delightful team of marketers, has dozens of shirts louder than his voice, and loves one hockey team: the Boston Bruins.